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THE BOOKS (Please scroll down to see the full list of my works)

Arte et Marte - By Skill & By Fighting

Released December 2012


     Mark Harrison was serving as an Armourer in the Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers, but his life takes a terrible twist when his wife's dishonesty forces him out of the life he so loves.

     His family and friends back home welcome Mark back with open arms, but he struggles to settle into a normal civilian life. As he is attempting to put his life back into some order, he is forced to defend everything that he believes in, and comes face to face with some unsavoury characters who try to ruin his success.

     A dramatic and rather brutal story of a soldier's fight to become part of society, showing the struggles and problems that can be faced by today's forces personnel.

Arte Et Marte - Nothing But The Truth.

Released January 2013


     In the second story of the "Arte et Marte" series, Mark is finally managing to settle into a normal life. Unfortunately, his past raises its ugly head and comes back to haunt him. This puts Mark into a situation where he finds himself fighting to clear his name, in an environment he is not familiar with.

     Once again, we see Mark battle against those that are determined to throw his life into turmoil, and he will stop at nothing to put the wrongs right.

Arte Et Marte - Going Home

​Released April 2013


     In this third (and final?) instalment of the "Arte et Marte" series, we see Mark Harrison fight the battle of his life. He realises that some people are not who they make out to be, and his family and friends are under serious threat, as Mark finds himself being dragged into a life of drugs, weapons and violence.

     Mark throws caution to the wind as he holds nothing back in order to protect those who are closest to him, and he becomes involved in the mother of all personal battles.

Lipstick & Ammo (Vol 1)

Released June 2013


     Set in the early 1990's, we see the introduction of female soldiers into a Brtish Army medical regiment, based in Germany. The regiment haven't long returned from Operation Granby in Iraq and Kuwait, and now they have to deal with the adjustment of working alongside women.

     See how the ladies learn to cope with living and working in what was previously a male dominated environment, knowing that they only have each other to turn to during difficult times.

Lipstick & Ammo (Vol 2)

Released August 2013


     The girls have been put through their paces as they trained and prepared for deployment to Bosnia, and some of them haven't even had the chance to settle in to their new life yet.

     Despite the recent death of a colleague, we see the girls fly out to a country that is torn apart from war and see how they cope with the added stresses of an operational deployment.

Lipstick & Ammo III

Released October 2013


Heather Lawson is sent back to Germany to complete a potentially career changing course. For six weeks, she will be physically tested beyond her own limits, but in addition to this, she struggles to cope with the return of bad memories. If this isn't enough, Heather must prepare herself for a return to Bosnia, and has also been dragged into someone's web of lies. See how Heather copes with the stress and strains of army life, in peace and in war,..



Arte et Marte - Anniversary Edition

Released January 2014


To celebrate my first year of writing, I have released this special edition of my first story. You can now read the whole saga, from start to very end, in one book. This book combines all three stories into one, so if you're yet to read the "Arte et Marte" series, get your hands on one of these.


Released May 2014


After twenty seven years in the British Army, Alfie returns home with his loving family with the intentions to sit back, relax and enjoy a normal life. But after a close family member is attacked, along with a string of other major events, Alfie soon realises that he is beginning to struggle with every day life. Desperate to live a normal life, Alfie refers himself to a group therapy session, where he is introduced to a group of veterans who are suffering from similar circumstances to his. Everything is nto quite what it seems though, and Alfie finds himself being dragged into a violent world of revenge and vigilatism. Will the law catch up with the brotherhood? Or will Alfie become victim of his own issues?

Brotherhood - Reincarnated

Released December 2014


It has only been a few months since the brotherhood went their separate ways to get on with their new settled lives.

Christmas is coming, but a terrorist organisation has raised its ugle head, and have replaced the festive cheer with death and destruction, as they are hell bent on bringing the nation crashing to its knees.

Once again, the brotherhood reunite to fight for their friends, their family and their country.

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