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     Hello, and welcome to my new website. You will find all the information you need about my work.


     It was only a few years ago when I was struggling to settle into a normal life after serving in the army, and it was suggested that I wrote down my thoughts and worries. But there was no way I was going to "air my dirty laundry" in public. So, what better way to get something off my chest by using my thoughts, experiences, dreams and warped sense of humour to form a fictional story.


     What started off as one short story, soon developed into a series of books. One idea followed the other, and they continue to flow. Even as I am writing one story, thoughts of other stories come flooding in.


     I sincerely hope that my readers get just as much pleasure from my stories as I did writing them, and I would love to hear any feedback about my work.


     Please feel free to have a lookaround my website,and if you cannot find what you are looking for, drop me a line.

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