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     Even as I am writing a story, ideas for the next one are in my head. So, as soon as I get an idea,I will place it on this page to keep you up to date. So keep an eye on this page for my planned future projects. Look below, and if any of the titles are in RED, that indicates that I am currently working on that project...........


Harrison's Journals - Arte et Marte Finale


     Many of you may think that the story of Mark Harrison is over. Well there's good news as there is another story in the pipeline. Some of my readers have commented about my story about Mark, saying that they have enjoyed reading it, but it would have been better if there was more written about his actual life in the army. "Harrison's Journals" will take us through Mark's life, right from the day he travels down to Arborfield for training, to the day his son is born. Hopefully, this book will explain about how Mark ended up being the way he was.


Lipstick & Ammo Vol IV


     In this latest installment, we catch up with Heather Lawson when she is a physical training instructor at a recruit training deopt. So far, she has excelled in her career, and it takes yet another leap with promotion to sergeant. But with the promotion comes another posting, and she is sent to the one place she least expected. Soon after arriving at her posting, the regiment are deployed to Oman, to take part in the largest military deployment since World War II.


Lipstick & Ammo Vol V

     Heather returns from Oman with the rest of her regiment, and they are just settling back into normal army life, when an old enemy decides to return. There is a possibility of Weapons of Mass Destruction being used, so the UK forces join forces with the USA to attack Saddam Hussein. We see Heather return to the desert, but this time, it is for real.


Lipstick & Ammo - Resettlement
     After a traumatic tour of Iraq, Heather returns to her regiment back in Germany, and is offered a posting of a lifetime. She is given the opportunity to go back to the UK and work as a recruiting sergeant in a North East Army Careers Information Office. Heather jumps at the chance, considering the year she has just endured, and looks forward to leading a normal life, whilst still in uniform. But the world of recruiting is not the job she expects, and Heather's eyes are opened to what really goes on behind closed doors.


The Scott McCalum Cases - Fatherland


     The brotherhood have, once again, gone their separate ways, but Scott McCalum has tasted blood and wants more. After leaving the police force, the ex Royal Marine is offered the chance to make a lot of money from doing what he enjoys the most - fighting.

     Now that the brotherhood have disbanded, Scott travels alone on his first job, where he finds himself getting deeply involved in a sick, dark world of violence, sex and drugs. And he is in an environment he is not familiar with.

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